Happy (late) Earth Day! Our plans for Earth Day celebrations got a
little debunked when Monster shared the stomach flu and then brought
home a cold the next week. Originally I had planned on doing an entire
week of blue and green themed projects to hang in windows, on the
fridge, and pass out to any relatives that happened to stop by for a
visit. Since that didn’t happen, here are the three project we did
First we painted rocks. I went collecting in the gravel portion of
our driveway and then dished out the paint. I gave them more than just
blues and greens, because the *plan* was to paint food shapes on them
and use them as labels in the garden. I forgot to remind myself that a
2.5 year old and a 1 year old wont know how to paint anything but
Despite my momentary lapse of brilliance (yes, normally I am
constantly smart), the project went super! Both boys enjoyed it,
although Monkey probably ate more paint than he got on his rocks…but
Monster asked to paint rocks again for three days straight! It was a
nice low-key project while we recovered from the first of the two
After we felt better, and the rocks were dry, we took the starts out
to the garden and planted them. I am attempting a sort-of square foot
type garden style this year and you can read more about the garden
project here.
(once I actually write that post….and then figure out how to hyperlink it…)
Our next Earth Day project was to paint planet Earths. For this I got
out just the blue and green paint, but somehow we got some red in
there….Monster boy also really liked this one and painted four Earths!
Our finished Earths!
The last project was a sensory play with green and blue jello…only I
didn’t have green or blue jello, and instead tried adding food coloring
to orange jello. Needless to say, it did not go over well, but the boys
did not seem to care!
Next year I am hoping to focus more on recycling and talking about
how we can help make the Earth happy and healthy. This year was more
about introducing the fact that we live on a planet, and vocabulary
involved like: Earth, planet, garden, dirt, types of plants, etc.
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